summary Summary

Nous Research, an AI research company, has released a new family of language models called Hermes 3. According to the technical report, the models are characterized by high controllability and neutral alignment.


Hermes 3 includes Instruct models in sizes of 8, 70, and 405 billion parameters and is based on Meta's open-source model Llama 3.1. The models are designed to precisely follow instructions and adapt to the world view specified in the system prompt.

This sets Hermes 3 apart from proprietary commercial models that may refuse instructions for moral reasons. For Hermes 3, there is no "latent thoughtcrime," as stated in the report.

Hermes 3 outperforms Meta's Llama 3.1

According to Nous Research, Hermes 3 masters skills such as reasoning, reward modeling, "scratchpads" for intermediate results, structured output with XML tags, generation of internal monologues for transparent decision-making, and Mermaid diagrams for visual communication.


The training took place in two phases: a supervised fine-tuning phase (SFT) and a phase with Direct Preference Optimization (DPO). Nearly 400 million tokens were used for the SFT phase. The models were evaluated epoch-wise, and the best checkpoints for the 8B and 405B models were selected.

In several public benchmarks such as ARC, BoolQ, HellaSwag, IFEval, and Winogrande, the Hermes 3 models achieve top scores among models with open weights - also in comparison to the underlying models from Meta.

For this, a mix of synthetically created reasoning tasks and expressive applications such as role-playing and creative writing was trained.

The models can also use external tools and cite information from documents via "Retrieval Augmented Generation" to answer questions.

The Hermes 3 models are available on Hugging Face.

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  • Nous Research has released Hermes 3, a family of neutral and controllable Instruct models based on Meta's Llama 3.1 models in sizes 8, 70, and 405 billion parameters.
  • The models are designed to follow instructions exactly, adapt to given worldviews, and achieve top scores among open source models in public benchmarks such as ARC, BoolQ, HellaSwag, IFEval, and Winogrande.
  • Hermes 3 masters capabilities such as reasoning, reward modeling, structured output with XML tags, and mermaid diagrams, and has been trained in two phases of supervised fine-tuning and direct preference optimization. The models are available on Hugging Face.
Max is managing editor at THE DECODER. As a trained philosopher, he deals with consciousness, AI, and the question of whether machines can really think or just pretend to.
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