summary Summary

Snowflake has developed its own large language model called Arctic and is now releasing it as open source. Arctic is designed to be highly efficient in both training and inference, especially for business-related tasks.


The company positions Arctic for enterprise applications, noting that the model excels at generating SQL code, general programming, and following complex instructions - capabilities that Snowflake groups under the self-defined metric of "enterprise intelligence".

According to Snowflake, Arctic required a training budget of less than $2 million, or about 3,000 GPU weeks. Despite this relatively low cost, the company claims that Arctic matches or exceeds the enterprise intelligence performance of larger models such as Meta's Llama 3 70B.

Image: Snowflake
Image: Snowflake

To achieve this training efficiency, Arctic uses a hybrid architecture that combines a Dense Transformer with a Mixture of Experts (MoE) residual layer. The base model is a Dense Transformer with 10 billion parameters, complemented by an MoE layer with a total of 480 billion parameters and 17 billion active parameters.

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Snowflake invented the "Business Intelligence" metric by combining some of the capabilities considered most important to businesses, such as SQL generation, and optimizing Arctic for these capabilities. On these metrics, it can match, if not outperform, models such as Meta's Llama 3 70B, which have been trained with a much higher budget. | Image: Snowflake

Snowflake has published a detailed "Cookbook" describing the model and its training process, and shares insights and best practices for training MoE models. The goal is to enable others to efficiently build large language models without extensive experimentation, the company says.

The model checkpoints for both the base and instructed versions of Arctic are now available for download on Hugging Face under the Apache 2.0 license. Instructions for inference and fine-tuning can be found on GitHub.

Snowflake also plans to work with Nvidia and the vLLM community to provide optimized implementations for fine-tuning and inference. The company is working on additional models in the Arctic series.

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  • Snowflake has developed its own large language model called Arctic, which is now available as open source. Arctic is said to be particularly efficient in training and inference, and is particularly suited to business-related tasks such as SQL generation, coding, and instruction following.
  • According to Snowflake, Arctic was developed with a budget of less than $2 million, or about 3,000 GPU weeks. However, in terms of "enterprise intelligence," it is equal to or better than Meta's Llama models, which were trained with a much larger budget, Snowflake claims.
  • Arctic is based on a hybrid architecture consisting of a Dense Transformer with 10 billion parameters and a Mixture of Experts (MoE) residual layer with 480 billion parameters (17B active parameters). Snowflake publishes a cookbook with insights and best practices for training MoE models.
Online journalist Matthias is the co-founder and publisher of THE DECODER. He believes that artificial intelligence will fundamentally change the relationship between humans and computers.
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