Aleph Alpha, a Heidelberg-based AI company specializing in generative AI, and Silo AI, Europe's largest private AI lab, are entering into a strategic partnership. The goal is to advance the use of open-source AI and enterprise solutions in Europe. Aleph Alpha will contribute its technology stack and Silo AI will bring its experience in developing and implementing AI solutions in companies. Both companies share the mission of equipping European companies with sovereign generative AI and are committed to developing open-source language models for European languages.


"The partnership between Aleph Alpha and Silo AI provides customers with a generative AI tech stack that is scalable and meets the highest standards of sovereignty, trustworthiness and transparency," said Aleph Alpha.

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Max is managing editor at THE DECODER. As a trained philosopher, he deals with consciousness, AI, and the question of whether machines can really think or just pretend to.
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