summary Summary

Google DeepMind researchers have developed a new technology called SCoRe to help large language models recognize and fix their own mistakes.


Current large language models (LLMs) struggle with self-correction, often requiring multiple models or external checks. SCoRe, which stands for "Self-Correction via Reinforcement Learning," uses reinforcement learning to train a single model using only self-generated data.

SCoRe works in two phases. First, it optimizes model initialization to generate corrections on the second try while keeping initial responses similar to the base model. This uses a special loss function considering both aspects.

Image: Google Deepmind

The second phase applies multi-stage reinforcement learning. The model learns to improve both first and second answers. A reward function encourages self-correction by giving more weight to improvements between attempts. Unlike methods needing external verification, SCoRe uses only self-generated training data. The model creates its own examples by solving problems and trying to improve solutions.


SCoRe achieves significant self-correction

Tests with Google's Gemini 1.0 Pro and 1.5 Flash models showed significant gains. On the MATH benchmark for mathematical reasoning, self-correction improved by 15.6 percentage points. For code generation on HumanEval, it rose 9.1 percentage points.

The researchers say SCoRe is the first approach achieving meaningful positive intrinsic self-correction, allowing models to improve answers without external feedback.

However, SCoRe currently only trains for one round of self-correction. Future work could explore multiple correction steps.

The team concludes that teaching metastrategies like self-correction requires going beyond standard LLM training. Multi-stage reinforcement learning may offer new possibilities in this area.

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  • Google DeepMind researchers have created a new technology called SCoRe (Self-Correction via Reinforcement Learning) to help large language models identify and correct their own errors without needing external checks or multiple models.
  • SCoRe works in two phases: first, it optimizes model initialization to generate corrections on the second try while maintaining similar initial responses. Second, it applies multi-stage reinforcement learning to improve both first and second answers.
  • Tests with Google's Gemini models showed significant improvements, with self-correction increasing by 15.6 percentage points on the MATH benchmark and 9.1 percentage points on HumanEval for code generation. The researchers note that SCoRe is the first approach achieving meaningful positive intrinsic self-correction.
Max is managing editor at THE DECODER. As a trained philosopher, he deals with consciousness, AI, and the question of whether machines can really think or just pretend to.
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