Intel is investing heavily in Stability AI, a leading developer of open-source AI, providing the startup with an AI supercomputer powered by high-end Xeon processors and more than 4,000 Gaudi2 AI processors. Stability AI, mainly known for its Stable Diffusion image generation software, recently raised nearly $50 million in funding, with Intel playing a significant role. The investment comes after a difficult period for Stability AI, marked by executive departures and internal disagreements. Despite these challenges, the company has refocused on research and development, reported a tenfold increase in revenue over the past year, and anticipates further growth with new product releases. The company recently released generative AI for 3D and text-to-audio, as well as a few LLMs.

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Online journalist Matthias is the co-founder and publisher of THE DECODER. He believes that artificial intelligence will fundamentally change the relationship between humans and computers.
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