summary Summary

eBay's "magical" listing tool gets image understanding. This is supposed to make it easier for first-time sellers to get started.


In the first version of the Magical Listing Tool, users could enter a title and category, and a generative AI would fill in the description. This feature was used by about 30 percent of sellers in the U.S., according to Ebay, and achieved over 80 percent customer satisfaction in tests on the Ebay app for iOS and Android.

The new version of the tool, which is currently being tested for iOS, also integrates image understanding: Users can snap a photo and the AI will generate title, description, release date, and pricing and shipping suggestions based on the photo.

Faster sales for newbies

According to eBay, this feature is designed to make it easier for first-time sellers to get started and create competitive listings. In addition, eBay has improved the background removal feature to provide clearer and more appealing product images.


Ebay cites selling trading cards as an example. Simply identifying a specific trading card among millions can be difficult, as buyers request a variety of information before making a purchase, including manufacturer, set, league, team, card number, parallel/variant, grade, year, and more. With the new image AI in the app, such complex listings can be handled quickly and easily.

Video: eBay

The image-based display tool is currently in beta for eBay employees. It will be made available to the public in the coming months. For image and text generation, eBay is using OpenAI technology via Microsoft Azure.

If eBay can generate high-quality one-click listings from smartphone images, it should be good for business: The auction platform makes money on every completed transaction. Easier listings lead to more listings, which lead to more products sold, which leads to more revenue.

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Bank transfer
  • Ebay is enhancing its "'Magical' Listing Tool" with AI to analyze product images and generate information for listings, making it faster and easier for sellers to create accurate listings.
  • The tool can automatically add titles, descriptions, and details such as release dates, categories, and even suggested prices and shipping costs based on a single photo.
  • Ebay has already integrated AI-generated text into its application and received positive feedback; the image-based tool is scheduled for public release in the coming months.
Online journalist Matthias is the co-founder and publisher of THE DECODER. He believes that artificial intelligence will fundamentally change the relationship between humans and computers.
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