AI in practice

ChatGPT Plus and Teams offer 32K versions of GPT-4 Turbo instead of the 128K version

Matthias Bastian
Logo of OpenAI

OpenAI (Screenshot)

Recently, OpenAI announced the ChatGPT team plan with support for "GPT-4 32K". Support for GPT-4 32K was surprising, as there is already GPT-4 Turbo with 128K, a newer model that has been in use since November and offers a four times larger context window. The context window indicates how much information the model can process simultaneously. According to an OpenAI spokesperson, the information in the announcement is correct: the models in ChatGPT Teams and Plus are 32K versions of the Turbo model. OpenAI refers to GPT-4 in the announcement but means GPT-4 Turbo. OpenAI only differentiates between turbo and non-turbo for the API. The 128K Turbo model is available in the Enterprise version for ChatGPT and via the API.